Sunday, May 22, 2011

It Is His!

Did you know that there were over 70 billion dollars made last year on lottery ticket sales?  Many Christians play the lottery, but is there any scripture commanding a child of God not to gamble?   The old casinos that began in the 1920's were located in Las Vegas.  Are lottery tickets the same thing?  A born again Christian may feel it is wrong to attend Casinos, where as buying a lottery ticket at the grocery store is done in private.  Where is the scripture to back up those of us who believe that lottery tickets and casinos are evil?  In Matthew 27:35 it says, "They crucified Him and devided His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet: They divided My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots". 

There is no commandment "Thou shalt not gamble", but it is a thing associated with evil.  What we do with our money is a "conscience" matter.  Money was in God's plan before the foundations of the world was laid!  It is not man's invention.  EVERYTHING in this world belongs to the Lord.  Yes, even our money that we earn honestly through hard work.  When we consider even our money belongs to Him, what then shall we do?  He has put it in our hand, do we have the right to use it for evil?  God forbid!

Being a good steward of our money will bring us blessings from the Lord who is over all things!  Before we buy, do we stop and think "will this honor God?".  Years ago when we began to think about money, this thought sobered us up to giving serious thought to spending His money!  We all make mistakes and we have made our share, but we are growing in the great reward of being a good steward!  It is His money!

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