Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is Donald Trump Rightf?

I would never consider Donald Trump a serious candidate for president.  However, he does have a few things right.  First, our giving money to dictators in foreign countries to buy them as friends is not the sense God gave a lemon!  William Buckley once said, "I would rather have the first fifty people listed in the local phone book running this country"!  I think he was talking about how much common sense the average man has who lives in this country.

I was stunned at the profanity of Trump during his last meeting with a large group of his supporters!  No presidential material here.  Second, I think selling out the American people in the job trade is more that disgraceful, it is an ugly thing I might even call treason by the BIG  companies such as General Electric!  We know that we can make it better than China anyhow!  Keep our jobs at home!

Pray that the next president will have the common sense that the Lord Jesus Christ can give!

1 comment:

  1. I think Trump has made some good points, but as far as President he is not the answer.
