Friday, May 13, 2011

It Is Foolishness!

I guess the most foolish thing I have ever done in my life was to cross a bridge late at night in a fog going fifty miles per hour in my car!  It was scary and when I got to the other side I told myself that I would never do such a foolish thing as that again!  Being foolish is, for some of us, a daily way of life.

The definition of 'foolishness' is: "a foolish act or idea".  In I Corinthians 1:18 it says, "For the preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God".  The words 'are' and 'being' are verbs in continuiation.  This is very interesting to me because as a moving car, we are either moving toward God or away from Him. 

I invite you today to evaluate in which direction you are moving.  Eternity is a long time and when we take our last breath we will go to the destination we have chosen in life...heaven or hell.  Choose the foolishness of the Gospel and live!  May the Lord Jesus be with you as you read this invitation to be a fool for Him!  The world feeds on earthly wisdom, which is foolishness to God so run to the Cross and love the Gospel of repenting and putting your trust in Christ.  I have never regretted giving my life to Him!!

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