Sunday, May 8, 2011

Honor thy Mother and Father

There is a great promise in Ephesians 6:1-3 pertaining to honoring your mother and father: "Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your mother and father, which is the first commandment with promise:  "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth".  I remember making my mother cry once when I was in my middle thirties.  Her tears broke my heart and the Holy Spirit put His tears in my heart!  I was crushed at the sight of the tears running down her face!  I went to her and begged her to forgive me, telling her how much I loved her.  I can see to this day the hurt on her face, but she accepted my appology that was drenched in sorrow!  She was not saved, but she agreed to go to Church with me that night.  My pastor was so led by the Spirit that he called everyone forward that evening and he prayed the salvation prayer.  I don't know if my mother ever got saved, but she passed away in 1984 and I thank the Lord time and time again that the Holy Spirit drove me to her that evening, telling her how much I loved her!

The Holy Spirit was so precious that day as He welled up in me and over-flowed to my was the first time she had ever been in Church in her life!  Today is Mother's Day and all I know is that God is good and there is no evil in Him!  Where ever my mother is, God is in control and He gives me so much Grace over her soul.  If you say you belong to the Lord and have no honor for your mother or father, you are deceived my friend!  I am glad that day happened with my mother so I could experience the great love that God had for her!  He is gracious, so gracious to those who reject Him!  He died for us while we were yet sinners!

In the picture above is my lovely daughter who gave her life to the Lord four years ago and what a blessing she is to me and her father!  Hold fast to the promise dear one for it is yours!

1 comment:

  1. I love you mom very much! You make me proud and thankyou for teaching me about Jesus!
