Saturday, July 2, 2011


It has been a long time since I have been on here.  On May 22, 2011 my husband and I went through a devastating tornado.  It is one thing to see this kind of devastion on television, but living through it is very different!  As we stood underneath the staircase that evening all I could say was IN THE NAME OF JESUS!  With the walls breathing as if they were cardboard I clung to my husband knowing for sure that we were going to die.  I wasn't afraid to die, but I wanted to live!  As we jumped out of the back window a few minutes later the rescurer told me to be careful and do not step on any live wires lying on the ground.  It was rainy and cold.  I remember a woman coming over to me and putting her jacket on me and then she was off to help someone else.  We made our way to the street.  I looked at the afermath and everything was gone....gone!  How does it feel to be sitting in the street without nothing?  I can only say that God got my attention that He hadn't had in a long time!  The night before I had been complaining about our apartment and how bored I was that we had been in the same place for twelve years!  Someone took us to one of the shelters where a nurse treated me.  My husband escaped wth some cuts on his arm.  As I sat there waiting for our daughter to come and get us, I promised God that I would never complain again!  God is so loving and so patient and understanding....I found myself complaining about something really small a few days later!  There has been a change in me now for I am so aware of this thing about complaining. 

God met each need we had from the beginning to the end of those following weeks when we did not know where we would go from our daughters house.  He is still meeting those needs today as we are in a new place and a new awareness of just how temporary this life really is!  God has a plan for mankind and we are apart of it!  May we always think on things eternal!

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