Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do You Know Why?

Do you know what you have that this little puppy doesn't have?  If you guessed 'conscience' you would be right.  What is a dead conscience?  Can a person steal without knowing that it is wrong?  Absolutely.  A dead conscience can do anything evil and the mind will always justify the wrong doing somehow.  Surely someone who murders must know what a terrible act it is, you say.  Our minds, when dead in sin, cannot know Godly sorrow!  It may sometimes be sorry for the act, but it is only earthly sorrow which benefits no good thing in the sight of God.

How can we know if the sorrow is earthly or Godly?  This is where the 'conscience' comes in to play.  Very seldom will a dead conscience feel sorrow of any kind, but when it does it will only feel out of want for the flesh to be comforted.  Godly sorrow comes from the sweet Holy Spirit and it is felt out of hurt in our spirit knowing that we have done something against God.

In Ephesians 2:1 it says, "and you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins...".  It sounds impossible to not feel sorrow if someone has committed a hideous crime, but it is true.  Then why do we sin who have living consciences?  That is just it, we know not to do it, but only those with a living conscience can be tempted!  Rejoice for if you have a living conscience you are alive in Him!  REJOICE!

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