Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Great Fantasy

As a child I dreamed of being a great dancer, like Ginger Rogers.  I loved the idea of being on stage and having the spot-light on me.  My father had been in Vaudeville for about twenty years, so I had a great love for show business!  No one can deny their desire to be the center of attention...we long for it when we are young and some even when they are old.

Until we have been born again by the Spirit of God, we cannot escape the illusion of that moment when we stand on stage and all look at us in awe.  This fantasy manifests itself in different ways.  As we get older we may cling to it by wanting to be the most popular girl in fill in the blank.  When we are all grown up we see the fantasy fading into reality and like a balloon that is gripped so tightly it flees from your hand and it is gone forever.

When we enter the realm of reality by being born again we find not the fantasy, but a wonderful world of knowledge.  We learn the love of God tells us that we are in His spot-light and we have His attention forever and a day! 

Are you living with a fantasy?  Cast it off dear friend and enter into God's world where there are pleasures forever more!  Psalms 16:11.  God does not clone, so that means He made only one of you!  We are a dear child in His sight and He wants to be with us.  Life is our stage and He is our audience and someday we will hear Him say, "Well done" and that is all the applause we will ever want or need!

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