Sunday, May 22, 2011

It Is His!

Did you know that there were over 70 billion dollars made last year on lottery ticket sales?  Many Christians play the lottery, but is there any scripture commanding a child of God not to gamble?   The old casinos that began in the 1920's were located in Las Vegas.  Are lottery tickets the same thing?  A born again Christian may feel it is wrong to attend Casinos, where as buying a lottery ticket at the grocery store is done in private.  Where is the scripture to back up those of us who believe that lottery tickets and casinos are evil?  In Matthew 27:35 it says, "They crucified Him and devided His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet: They divided My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots". 

There is no commandment "Thou shalt not gamble", but it is a thing associated with evil.  What we do with our money is a "conscience" matter.  Money was in God's plan before the foundations of the world was laid!  It is not man's invention.  EVERYTHING in this world belongs to the Lord.  Yes, even our money that we earn honestly through hard work.  When we consider even our money belongs to Him, what then shall we do?  He has put it in our hand, do we have the right to use it for evil?  God forbid!

Being a good steward of our money will bring us blessings from the Lord who is over all things!  Before we buy, do we stop and think "will this honor God?".  Years ago when we began to think about money, this thought sobered us up to giving serious thought to spending His money!  We all make mistakes and we have made our share, but we are growing in the great reward of being a good steward!  It is His money!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


This is a picture of me when I was young...not!  Years ago a very special friend of mine gave to me the wonderful knowledge of 'misunderstndings'.  This is what happens when we speak something to a person and later they deny that we ever spoke it.  Since I have experienced this on so many occasions, I wondered if misundertandings could be a parasite in the Church leading to strife?

How frustrating to know you are right and you cannot convince the other person that they are wrong!  We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we are right and the other person just will not take the admonishing given them!  Our sinful nature cries out for justice!  In the end of the matter we will either forgive that person or treat them with indiffernce all of their days.  Would it not be better to suffer the misunderstanding and forgive?  In our infantile thinking we must set it right!   We do not like to be wronged!

When Jesus hung on the Cross, the mockings of the crowd were hideous and nearing the end He said, (knowing He was the Son of God) "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"!  Luke 23:34.  Is it not enough to know that we did say it and be satisfied?  The flesh cries out to be justified, but the Holy Spirit is confident in the knowing of a matter!

Now, did you hear me say that the picture was of me when I was young?   

Friday, May 20, 2011


We love cute pictures, good food, time with family and friends.  As I was writing a letter to my daughter I enclosed a picture of her when she was fifteen years old.  Since she is forty-three now I began to think about the time that had passed so quickly!  A thougt entered into my mind, a very sobering thought!  What would we do if tomorrow was the end of time?

Our days are filled with the routine of life, but I would like for you to pause and look at your right hand for about thirty seconds.  while you are looking would you think about the God who created you, Jesus Christ?  Thank you.  Doing this will put our focus on the Creator.  If I knew that tomorrow was the very last day of time, how would I do things today?   It is a very hard thing to think about...some would even say "Not today!  Johnny will be going to Church camp next week!"  Each of us could think of why not.

Is the coming of Jesus real to us?  We are commanded to watch and pray for that event...Luke 21:36 says, "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of God".  It is my wish that you will do the practice of examining your right hand from time to time...and pray to the One who created our marvelous body!  The end of time may be tomorrow, may we be prepared if it is!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grapes of Wrath

In the movie, "Grapes of Wrath", we see the "preacher" who really represents what the movie is all about.  Behind his character is the agenda that there are not many souls, but one big soul.   There are so many voices in the world today through movies and media that it is very easy for someone to be deceived. 

The Grapes of Wrath was a long time favorite of mine until the Holy Spirit gave me discernment about the evil agenda behind it.  Did you know that you have discernment, but we are commanded in scripture to ask for understanding?  Proverbs 4:7.   In the Greek "understanding" means, "a call for help".  Many Christian women watch the Oprah Winfrey show...she has been dubbed as the greatest talk show host in the history of the like.  If you are really born again by the Spirit of God you will have the discernment to know that she represents evil of the worst kind!  She believes that there are many roads to heaven...John 14:6 says, "I (Jesus) am the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me".  Some of these women claim to be Christians; only God knows the heart, but we can see that many have been deceived by her!  

Oh, how precious and powerful is the Holy Spirit!  Wisdom, discernment, and understanding all go together.  Today in this world of deception we need to cry out for all three!  May the Lord Jesus Christ give you understanding as you seek its' importance in your walk with the Lord, so you will not be deceived by anything in this world that shows its' ugly head against the truth of the Gospel! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Free Will or Chosen?

Matthew 10:29 says, "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?  And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will".  If the Father has a day appointed for our death, why is it so difficult to know that He has appointed a day for our salvation in this world?  This is a hard saying for some and they will not accept it.  They will cry out, "Why would a God of love appoint some for heaven and some to hell"? 

This has been debated by scholars for centuries, so I thought I would throw in my two cents worth of thought on it.  I would rather expand on the great passion of Christ that drove Him to the Cross!  Did he die for 'some' or all?  In John 3:16 we see that it is His desire that none perish, but does this mean that He died for all to come to Him?  Yes, out of His great love! 

Can we choose Him?  No, because He loved us first...John 4:19.  You might say what has that to do with making a choice?  How can we love Him, if we are not saved?  The two must coincide with one another.  I might add dear friend, that today might be the day of your salvation so I would plead for you to hear Jesus say, "Come, follow me".

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Great Fantasy

As a child I dreamed of being a great dancer, like Ginger Rogers.  I loved the idea of being on stage and having the spot-light on me.  My father had been in Vaudeville for about twenty years, so I had a great love for show business!  No one can deny their desire to be the center of attention...we long for it when we are young and some even when they are old.

Until we have been born again by the Spirit of God, we cannot escape the illusion of that moment when we stand on stage and all look at us in awe.  This fantasy manifests itself in different ways.  As we get older we may cling to it by wanting to be the most popular girl in fill in the blank.  When we are all grown up we see the fantasy fading into reality and like a balloon that is gripped so tightly it flees from your hand and it is gone forever.

When we enter the realm of reality by being born again we find not the fantasy, but a wonderful world of knowledge.  We learn the love of God tells us that we are in His spot-light and we have His attention forever and a day! 

Are you living with a fantasy?  Cast it off dear friend and enter into God's world where there are pleasures forever more!  Psalms 16:11.  God does not clone, so that means He made only one of you!  We are a dear child in His sight and He wants to be with us.  Life is our stage and He is our audience and someday we will hear Him say, "Well done" and that is all the applause we will ever want or need!

Friday, May 13, 2011

It Is Foolishness!

I guess the most foolish thing I have ever done in my life was to cross a bridge late at night in a fog going fifty miles per hour in my car!  It was scary and when I got to the other side I told myself that I would never do such a foolish thing as that again!  Being foolish is, for some of us, a daily way of life.

The definition of 'foolishness' is: "a foolish act or idea".  In I Corinthians 1:18 it says, "For the preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God".  The words 'are' and 'being' are verbs in continuiation.  This is very interesting to me because as a moving car, we are either moving toward God or away from Him. 

I invite you today to evaluate in which direction you are moving.  Eternity is a long time and when we take our last breath we will go to the destination we have chosen in life...heaven or hell.  Choose the foolishness of the Gospel and live!  May the Lord Jesus be with you as you read this invitation to be a fool for Him!  The world feeds on earthly wisdom, which is foolishness to God so run to the Cross and love the Gospel of repenting and putting your trust in Christ.  I have never regretted giving my life to Him!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do You Know Why?

Do you know what you have that this little puppy doesn't have?  If you guessed 'conscience' you would be right.  What is a dead conscience?  Can a person steal without knowing that it is wrong?  Absolutely.  A dead conscience can do anything evil and the mind will always justify the wrong doing somehow.  Surely someone who murders must know what a terrible act it is, you say.  Our minds, when dead in sin, cannot know Godly sorrow!  It may sometimes be sorry for the act, but it is only earthly sorrow which benefits no good thing in the sight of God.

How can we know if the sorrow is earthly or Godly?  This is where the 'conscience' comes in to play.  Very seldom will a dead conscience feel sorrow of any kind, but when it does it will only feel out of want for the flesh to be comforted.  Godly sorrow comes from the sweet Holy Spirit and it is felt out of hurt in our spirit knowing that we have done something against God.

In Ephesians 2:1 it says, "and you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins...".  It sounds impossible to not feel sorrow if someone has committed a hideous crime, but it is true.  Then why do we sin who have living consciences?  That is just it, we know not to do it, but only those with a living conscience can be tempted!  Rejoice for if you have a living conscience you are alive in Him!  REJOICE!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Honor thy Mother and Father

There is a great promise in Ephesians 6:1-3 pertaining to honoring your mother and father: "Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your mother and father, which is the first commandment with promise:  "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth".  I remember making my mother cry once when I was in my middle thirties.  Her tears broke my heart and the Holy Spirit put His tears in my heart!  I was crushed at the sight of the tears running down her face!  I went to her and begged her to forgive me, telling her how much I loved her.  I can see to this day the hurt on her face, but she accepted my appology that was drenched in sorrow!  She was not saved, but she agreed to go to Church with me that night.  My pastor was so led by the Spirit that he called everyone forward that evening and he prayed the salvation prayer.  I don't know if my mother ever got saved, but she passed away in 1984 and I thank the Lord time and time again that the Holy Spirit drove me to her that evening, telling her how much I loved her!

The Holy Spirit was so precious that day as He welled up in me and over-flowed to my was the first time she had ever been in Church in her life!  Today is Mother's Day and all I know is that God is good and there is no evil in Him!  Where ever my mother is, God is in control and He gives me so much Grace over her soul.  If you say you belong to the Lord and have no honor for your mother or father, you are deceived my friend!  I am glad that day happened with my mother so I could experience the great love that God had for her!  He is gracious, so gracious to those who reject Him!  He died for us while we were yet sinners!

In the picture above is my lovely daughter who gave her life to the Lord four years ago and what a blessing she is to me and her father!  Hold fast to the promise dear one for it is yours!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fighting Fear

Those who deal with fear on a daily basis, will relate to what I am about to say.  As a Christian I know that all fear comes from the enemy of God....that old rascally devil.  The definition of fear is:  "an unpleasant emotion caused by the anticipation of sudden danger".  For me, fighting fear is a daily thing and has been for years.  Six days ago God told me to face my fears and I want you to know when God speaks He never leaves you unequipped!  Suddenly I was filled with COURAGE and for the first time in years i went to the mall and began to walk it!  I am so out of shape that it will take a month to build up my heart and lungs so they can function like they should.

Was this the first time I had prayed about it?  No, let us try the daily asking God to be released from this horrible thing that had me in prison for so many years!  What made the miracle happen?  I can only say one thing and that is everything is in God's timing!  Why would God allow me to go for years without courage?  I really don't have the answer to that one, but I do know that I have the experience and at some time I will be able to help someone who is dealing with the fear of living!  God is good and I  praise His name today and forever!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is Donald Trump Rightf?

I would never consider Donald Trump a serious candidate for president.  However, he does have a few things right.  First, our giving money to dictators in foreign countries to buy them as friends is not the sense God gave a lemon!  William Buckley once said, "I would rather have the first fifty people listed in the local phone book running this country"!  I think he was talking about how much common sense the average man has who lives in this country.

I was stunned at the profanity of Trump during his last meeting with a large group of his supporters!  No presidential material here.  Second, I think selling out the American people in the job trade is more that disgraceful, it is an ugly thing I might even call treason by the BIG  companies such as General Electric!  We know that we can make it better than China anyhow!  Keep our jobs at home!

Pray that the next president will have the common sense that the Lord Jesus Christ can give!