Monday, February 10, 2020

A Wave Of Financial Forgiveness?

In 1985 God gave me an idea that would help others who were in debt, including us. I requested a local radio program to introduce the idea to businessmen. It was a Christian program so I was in great hopes that the idea would come to fruition. Down deep though I felt like it would go over like a lead balloon, it didn't. It was a success only because it came from the Lord.

What is a "wave of financial forgiveness" exactly? It is someone you owe forgiving the debt. This is Biblical...Matthew 18:27 "Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt." If you are a Child of God and reading this may you think God can do above all that we can think or ask...Ephesians 3:20. 

A wave of forgiveness is the answer to our economic situation in this nation. How would that work? The Master in Matthew was a man who had billions of dollars, in our money, exercised mercy toward the servant. We could pray that all born again Christians would be shown mercy from whom we owe. How do I know the idea was a success? We were forgiven $1000 from someone who was not a Christian!! We shouted with joy!!

Let us pray for those who are heavily in debt especially to Hospitals and Doctors.

Image result for a picture of a person in debt

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"The Titan"

I woke up this morning thinking about the novel, "The Titan". It was a book written about a ship that crashed into an iceberg and sunk. Sound familiar? The difference between this ship and the Titanic is fourteen years in the writing! The Titan was written in 1898 and the Titanic sunk on April 14, 1912. When I heard this in a sermon last night I began to think about why we try so hard to believe the truth about Christ.

We tend to think in terms of what we can see, but when I told you about the Titan you had no doubts that I was telling you the truth. We cannot see Jesus or touch Him with our hands, He must be taken on faith. Were you there when the Titanic sank? How do you know there was a ship called the Titanic? We know because it was written down in history. The Bible was also written down by men who were led by the Holy Spirit. Why is it so hard for us to believe Jesus Christ come down from heaven, became flesh, and died for our sins? 

When it comes to Jesus though we have devils to fight! They fight our thinking day and night! They do not want us to have faith in Christ. They hate it when they see us pray to Christ!  Ephesians 6:12 "12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places".

Image result for a picture of the titanic"

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Daniel 7--A Psychiatrist's Nightmare

In 1969 I was practically a new bride and had the blues, so I turned to a Psychiatrist for help.  Later in years, I would learn that having the blues shortly after you are married is quite normal.  On with my story.  I got an appointment with the Director of the local mental health center.  Keep that in mind that he was the director of this place.  During my first session with him, I felt led to ask him if he believed in Christ.  This was his reply, "If I believed in Christ I would be working against everything I'm striving to do here".  I did not return to him.

Recently I have fallen in love with the 7th chapter of Daniel and his dream.  When he had this dream Daniel wrote it down.  I invite you to read his dream.  It talks about the return of Christ.  He lived over 500 years before Christ was born!  I would be so interested in to know what that Psychiatrist would think about this wonderful dream that only a born-again believer could appreciate. It would be enough to drive him out of his mind. 

What happens when you check into a Mental ward?  The very first thing they ask you is, "Do you think you are Christ?"  Do you not find this very interesting that the first thing they target is Christ?  Do not trust to man's wisdom for it is foolishness to God:

I Corinthians 3:19

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I'm in love with Daniel's dream!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Want To Be Rich?

Growing up poor I never thought about having money.  I thought on things like having a treat for dinner such as ice cream.  Being poor never bothered me because I didn't know I was poor.  I thought everybody lived like me until we got a television set in 1954.  We had only two channels and compared to this day's entertainment it was so clean it would never make you blush.  I saw new car commercials and had no desire to have one of those.  I had my Mother, Father, and brother. It was a good life.  Oh, there were things that happened to make me think hard about how to get ten cents for a potato peeler for my Mother's birthday when I was six years old, but even back then God provided a way for me to get it.  That was no easy task!  It cost ten cents brand new at the General Store up the street.  I have some really good memories of the time I grew up in, but eventually, I grew up and I saw girls with their pretty dresses in school and perms in their hair.  It was in the fourth grade when I began to discover that there were poor people and there were rich people.  Above all though, I concentrated on my school work because that was my love.  I had very little time to wallow in self-pity over material things.

I Timothy 6:9...But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

I think this means those who hunger and thirst after riches. Working hard to make a good living is not a sin.  It is a blessing from the Lord to have the desire to provide for your family the best way you can.  So, if you want to be rich think about investing in the life to come.  That is true riches. my friend.

Image result for a picture of money falling from the sky

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Day I Cried

In 2005 we were attending a Church that I loved.  I had made friends with my neighbor lady who had two children.  She was white, but the father was black.  He had abandoned her and the children.  The two girls were twelve and eight.  The situation broke my heart.  The lady was attending the police academy and was planning to be on the force.  She was living in desperate depressing conditions though.  It came time for Vacation Bible Camp at our Church.  We had taken the girls to Church with us several times so I went to the youth director and asked for help so the girls could go to camp.  He said, reluctantly, he would pay for one of them if we paid for the other one and so we did.  He then put his arm against the wall and said in a disgusting manner, "Where did you meet these people anyway?"  His question took my breath away for a couple of seconds.  It was the way he said it.  He was upset, there was no doubt about that.  I told him that they were my neighbors and he wiped his face and said "okay".  I left.  My heart was so cast down that I might as well have cried to see prejudice inside the Church leaders like this.

The girls were so happy when they got the news and I never mentioned what took place.  A week later they all came back and the next Sunday when we were on our way to Church the eldest girl asked if I would sit in the back with her.  She told me the first day at Camp a girl accused her of stealing a quarter from her.  After that, she said that none of the girls would have anything to do with her.  She asked me why that girl would do that if she was a Christian.  That question felt like a hammer hit me on the head.  I tried to explain to her that some people are prejudiced and just because that girl went to Chruch it didn't mean that she was a Christian.  I held her hand and told her I was sorry that she had to go through that.  She never went to Church with us after that Sunday.  How sad at such a tender age.  

The Mother did graduate and became a guard at the Court House.  My heart broke for those two sweet precious girls whose father had left them and for the bad experience at the Church.  Prejudice of all kinds will always exist until Jesus comes back to make it right.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Family Today

Those of us who are "elderly" think back at a time when the family lived in a world with morals.  What has brought us from Mayberry to sitcoms filled with homosexuality and downright filth?  Everyone lives accordingly as to what is right in his own eyes today....Judges 21:25.

We live in a fallen world, but where have the morals gone?  Can we point to a decade where they began to slip away from us?  In 1950 "adultery" was against the law!  Homosexuality was a crime and punished by imprisonment!  We mourn for those who grow up in these times today where there are no laws enforced to protect our children from child molesters.  "Adultery" has been on the law books since 1900, but was no longer enforced somewhere around 1960.  

Satan wants to destroy the family as God designed it and he is winning.  His time is short and he is working overtime against the Children of God.  We could list a thousand things that have caused the family to be torn apart today, but what can we do?  First, we must go back to Mothers having a heart for God's Word where it instructs us in Titus 2 to live as Godly women.  

What can we do speaking from this chapter in Titus?  Think about our family and compare it to the family that God wants for His children while we are here on earth.  It begins here my friend.  If we want children who will grow up and be Godly people it will take prayer and applying the Word of God to our lives.  

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Trusting the Unseen

Wind cannot be seen, only the results of it!  The spoken word cannot be seen, only the results of it!  God cannot be seen or touched so how can we know that He exists?  Billy Graham faced this same question after his atheist friend tormented him to the point of crying out to the Lord for proof of some kind that He did exist.

We are creatures of the fall of mankind a long time ago.  In the Garden Adam walked and talked with the Creator...after sin entered the world through Adam he no longer saw the Lord and His voice was silenced.  I cannot imagine the great sorrow Adam and Eve must have felt after being in a paradise.  Ever since then people have lived with the thought, does God exist or does He not?  We see so much sorrow in the world we blame the Lord and say how can a good God let such horrible things happen? 

There is a glorious answer!  John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth".  So simple, the Word of God is either the truth or it is a lie!  Taken on faith and tested in our lives we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God exists!  God will never have to prove His existence, but rather men will either believe and live or reject His Word and go to hell.