Saturday, April 30, 2011

Who Wants To Be a Christian?

Have you ever thought as to why you became a Christian?  Did you see your need for the Savior?  Did you want to join a church because your parents did?  This is a question that would behoove us all to take a close look at and take stock of our answers.

I became a Christian because someone witnessed to me and I wanted Jesus to save me!  I did not see my need or want for Him until that moment of being told that I needed Jesus.  I Have known some people who say that they were born a Methodist or they were saved because they went to Church all of their lives.  I am not a minister or any great theologian, but because the Holy Spirit that dwells in my being these thoughts do not bear witness of being true! 

Can a baby confess the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior with their mouth confirming their salvation according to Romans 10:13?  God gave us common sense to know that this cannot happen, so why do some hold on to their claim of such non-sense?   They want to believe that it is true, otherwise they would have to submit to God on His grounds!

Everyone wants to go to heaven and a lot of them choose their own way of getting there, but Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me".....John 14:6.